Beyond Classroom

Beyond Classroom

At JCC we aim to ensure that we maximise opportunities for children ‘beyond the classroom’.  We believe that as well as enhancing their childhood experiences, this helps them to develop into well-rounded individuals with a wide range of skills that may be of use in their futures.

Arts – music, drama, art

Through our Creative Arts departments, all children are encouraged to take part in various artistic activities on our stage. We have regular concerts, talent shows and class assemblies. We have a number of music teachers instructing in different musical instruments, including drums, string, brass and voice. JCC students are encouraged to participate in local competitions and have had successes in annual events


We know that our children are the future leaders of tomorrow. Our students are able to hone their leadership skills through the student council, becoming prefects or house captains. In addition, the Model United Nations and President’s Awards offer our students real-life opportunities to learn and excel in forums outside of school.

Academic Competitions

We ensure children are given opportunities to compete using all their gifts and talents. Academic competitions that take place include Writing competitions, Mathematics Challenges, quizzes and an annual inter-school Sciences, hosted by JCC. These encounters allow our children to compete with students in other schools in the region, and occasionally, with schools elsewhere in the world.


At JCC we highly value learning outside the classroom. This may be through field trips and outdoor adventure trips, or simply taking lessons outside. We aim to ensure that each term, children will have at least one educational trip . Coast region has some wonderful outdoor adventure locations and our residential trips range from stunning beaches to renowned bush lands, and include a wide variety of activities such as deep-sea diving, kayaking and rock climbing.

Community Service

Throughout their school career, JCC students are encouraged to be cognizant of the world around them, inclusive of people, animals and the environment. From an early age, our children learn that it is important to make a difference in the world and to be caring of those less fortunate than themselves. Through a variety of age-appropriate activities, students are encouraged to take part in charity events and to initiate their own fundraising occasions.

Career - work place experience

Careers’ guidance is given to JCC students to assist them in making informed decisions when choosing subjects for their public examinations. In addition, our annual Careers’ Fair and opportunities for work place experience, give students a chance to talk to, and be inspired by, a wide range of professionals.