

For many years  We have ensured that children in our care enjoy the very best possible start. We provide opportunities to develop and succeed whilst enjoying a safe and happy learning environment nurturing a sense of social responsibility and respect. It is our constant aim to bring out the best in our children and to provide a well-rounded experience for every child; developing a blend of creativity, confidence and courtesy, which will enable our young people to cope with the demands of life in the 21st century, wherever in the world they may live.

JCC Complex is staffed by a dedicated, hard working and professional body of teachers with high expectations of all students. Our parents are also actively involved in the school and feel very much part of what goes on. Our students are polite, enthusiastic, well mannered, independent and keen to learn; they are an absolute credit to the school. But most important of all, they are happy, and happy children learn. JCC is a happy and fun place to be. Trust your children to this school and we will deliver happy and confident achievers in return.

We have an holistic approach to learning where an equal emphasis and weighting is placed on academics, music, sports, the arts, outdoor pursuits and drama.